会议亮点 Conference Highlights

● 前沿科技展示:会议将集结全球顶级科研团队,展示最新的聚酰亚胺材料科研成果;

● Cutting-edge Technology Exhibition: The conference will bring together top global research teams to showcase the latest scientific research achievements in PI materials;

● 全产业链交流:会议将邀请产业链上下游企业代表,构建产学研用无缝对接的交流平台;

● Complete Industry Chain Communication: The conference will invite the representatives of both upstream and downstream enterprises from the industry chain to build a seamless communication platform for industry, academia, research and application;

●  搭建国际化的合作交流平台:鼓励跨国合作项目申报与对接,推动全球人才资源的优化配置;

● Establishment of an International Cooperation and Exchange Platform: Encouraging application and coordination of international collaboration to optimize the allocation of global talent resources;

● 青年科学家论坛:给年轻的科研工作者提供展示的舞台,助力青年科学家成长;

● Young Scientists Forum: Providing a stage for young researchers to show their work and provide guidance for the growth of young researchers;

● 实地企业走访:参游当地聚酰亚胺代表性企业,进一步了解整个产业链。

● On-site Company Visits: Visiting representative local PI companies to further understand the complete industry chain.
